My personality in statistic: It is nice to be “normal”

Ok, you may find tons of personality test on Internet…. this one quite interesting. You may find it here:
And this my result! Yeeeaaaaayyyy….. hahhahaaa….
Almost all scored 5 out of 9… so yeah, I think it is nice to be “normal” 🙂
Your Sociability score was 4 out of 9.
We estimate that you are in about the 27th percentile.
Your score on Sociability suggests that you get less enjoyment from interacting with people than most of your age and gender peers. This may suggest that you don’t feel it is important to engage in casual conversation or perhaps because you are somewhat uncomfortable around people who you don’t know well. While you may enjoy events like large parties, you are probably most comfortable socializing in smaller groups or with a close friend.
Okaaaay, I am introvert person. What can I do then?
our Assertiveness score was 4 out of 9.
We estimate that you are in about the 38th percentile.
Your score on Assertiveness suggests that your willingness to take charge often depends on how you feel about your abilities relative to the circumstances. You may not be known as having a strong personality but you can still be effective at influencing others as long as you have time to gather your thoughts.
And I never think to influence others… =.= why should I?
Your Intellect score was 5 out of 9.
We estimate that you are in about the 56th percentile.
Your score on Intellect suggests that you are no more or less comfortable handling lots of information than others of your age and gender. While you may enjoy working on complex problems at times, you probably don’t seek them out very often. You’re also about average when it comes to understanding new ideas and thinking quickly.
Hahhahaa… Off course I don`t like handling lots of information. That`s tiring….
Your Openness to New Experience score was 4 out of 9.
We estimate that you are in about the 35th percentile.
Your score on Openness to New Experiences suggests that you are neither more nor less open than others of your age and gender. While you may feel a strong attachment to some aspects of the arts, this feeling may not generalize to all artistic pursuits. And while you may experience episodes of creativity from time to time, it’s unlikely that others view you as an eccentric.
Logically true… while refers to the first point, I am kind of introvert person.
Your Compassion score was 4 out of 9.
We estimate that you are in about the 30th percentile.
Your score on Compassion suggests that you are relatively indifferent to the feelings of others. This may reflect a lack of interest in other people’s lives and/or a belief that others’ should be more resourceful in dealing with their own problems.
I don`t have any interest to other people lives, and I hope other people do the same things on me. Your life is yours, my life is mine.
Your Politeness score was 5 out of 9.
We estimate that you are in about the 40th percentile.
An average score on Politeness suggests that you are somewhat patient when it comes to dealing with the shortcomings of others, but only to a point. You will sometimes lose your temper or make insulting judgments about the people with whom you interact, but you don’t believe that this occurs more often than is typical.
Mmmmm….Some people not deserve to get my “patience”
Your Honesty score was 6 out of 9.
We estimate that you are in about the 60th percentile.
Your score on Honesty suggests that you are about as honest as others of your age and gender. It’s likely that you stick to the rules in most cases but you also probably recognize that the “right” decision sometimes depends on the circumstances.
I appreciate honesty… It is precious traits, really!
Your Humility score was 6 out of 9.
We estimate that you are in about the 61st percentile.
Your score on Humility suggests that you don’t usually go out of your way to impress others but that you also see the value in attracting some attention from time to time. While status, power and luxury are probably not your top priority, you value them somewhat. You also likely recognize that these issues can be salient for many powerful decision-makers.
status, power and luxury are probably not your top priority, you value them somewhat–> That`s true 🙂
Your Balance score was 6 out of 9.
We estimate that you are in about the 67th percentile.
Your score on Balance suggests that you are no more or less emotionally volatile than others of your age and gender. You get agitated from time to time but no more easily than is typical. You are likely able to deal with your frustrations reasonably well and then put them aside.
Waawww… hahahahha…. no comment. But I am getting older, my energy to get mad is decrease drastically 😛
Your Boldness score was 6 out of 9.
We estimate that you are in about the 62nd percentile.
Your score on Boldness suggests that you handle uncertain situations about as well as most people of your age and gender. This means you are occasionally hesitant when others are willing to proceed, and this is likely caused by some perceived risk. Of course, this risk may be real, in which case reluctance is reasonable. Still, excessive fear can be an unnecessary obstacle to enjoyment.
Hahahhaa… really? Oh okay….
Your Orderliness score was 5 out of 9.
We estimate that you are in about the 51st percentile.
Your score on Orderliness suggests that, while details may be important to you, you’re willing to let some things slide. You likely prefer order and regularity in your work and surroundings but you are not insistent on perfection.
Do everything as best as possible… but when it is not perfect, well that`s ok nobody is perfect. That`s describe me quite well.
Your Industriousness score was 5 out of 9.
We estimate that you are in about the 47th percentile.
Your score on Industriousness suggests that you have a reasonable balance between working and enjoying yourself. You view yourself as a relatively dependable worker without taking things too seriously. You may “waste time” occasionally but you typically get important tasks done on time.
Yup…yup…yup…. hahahahaha I count it as compliment 🙂
Okay, guys! if you feel interested… just try it 😉