Melody’s love story: because world is round…

*for real “Brian”*
Hari itu matahari mengintip pelan dari celah awan. Melody berjalan perlahan menyusur jalan kampus.
“So you will leave, Brian?” Tanya Melody, pertanyaan yg sudah ia tahu jawabannya.
“Unfortunately, yes…” jawab Brian sambil menghela napas.
“You will miss this place”
“I will also miss you”
“That’s first time a man told me he will miss me”
“Yes….and, I’ll miss you either”
“That’s also my first time a woman tell me she will miss me”
“Really? I’ll miss all of you messages every nights”
“You like it? I can send it thousand times. If you want hahahaha”
Melody tersenyum tipis “will we meet again? Ah I don’t think so. I such a nerd woman and you… you will never willing to meet me”
Brian menghentikan langkahnya sejenak, “do you like coffe?”
“No, I prefer tea”
Brian lalu berlari ke arah mesin penjual minuman, membeli satu kaleng kopi dan satu botol teh.
“This… for you” kata brian sambil menyodorkan satu botol teh hijau.
“Why? I…I….”
“You need it for refresh your mind”
“Melody, you are a hard worker… and yeah you have a problem with your first impression, but when people know you, you’re very kind. You smart…you will be okay. You know I’m grateful there is you in this planet”
“Look brian. You’re young, good looking, nice, friendly… but I am…I…”
“I haven’t finish yet. Why you feel sorry for what you have? You just awesome.”
“That’s the first time a man tell me that I am awesome”
“You’re. And I will miss a person like you.”
“Are you crazy or something?”
“Yes, because this is my first time seeing an awesome woman say she just nothing and tell me she will never meet me anymore”
“Please… don’t say we will not meet again. This world is round… I don’t know how but we’ll meet again. I’m sure”
“Even if you kidding now, this is so sweet”
“I’m serious… in front of serious woman I should be serious” Mata abunya kini menatap lurus Melody “If you cry I’ll hug you”
“No…no…no… it’s not allowed. I am okay.”
“You should, or I’ll send you thousands mail just to ask are you okay or not”
“Brian… don’t you think we are so different”
“Yes… but it makes us learn each other”
“Thank you”
“No, I am thank you. Thank you… you alive in this planet”
“I’ll find a good ship to go to your place”
“Why ship, we have plane now. Please come. You will love flowers in my place. So many big flowers” mereka lalu tertawa bersama sore itu.
Matahari masih bersembunyi di balik awan. Hari itu, detik itu, pertama kalinya Melody merasa dihargai sepenuhnya sebagai wanita lengkap dengan segala impiannya,kelebihannya,dan kekurangannya.
Detik rupanya berjalan begitu terburu buru ketika seseorang berjalan bersama orang yang begitu berarti. Di simpang jalan Brian kembali tersenyum, mendekati Melody perlahan “I’ll go, we will meet each other again” melody menjawab dengan senyuman, ia tahu kemungkinan itu sangat kecil.
Melody kini sadar….Rupanya ada saat ketika melihat punggung seseorang yg sedang berjalan menjauh, bahkan yang baru di kenal sekalipun, terasa begitu berat. “I’ll miss you,Brian” teriak Melody dalam hati, tenggorokannya tercekat untuk berkata langsung.