Take me… to the sky!
A life learner....Books, movies, and glorious foods lover. Have a big dreams... but wanna \\\"bigger\\\" than her dreams. A life learner... Love books, glorious foods, and great movies. Proud to be a woman, daughter, sister, and best friend. A dreamer! I am the one who want to be bigger than my dreams. Future researcher and writer.
Birdseye view, awake the stars ’cause they’re all around you
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue
Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery
‘Cause after all those wings will take you up so high
So bid the forest floor goodbye
As you race the wind and take to the sky
You take to the sky
On the heels of war and wonder
There’s a stormy world up there
You can’t whisper above the thunder
But you can fly anywhereTo The Sky- Owl City
I really love that song, it makes me remember several things… especially my big promise.
I have a promise to my own self, I’ll find the way to exploring the world! I’ll find many people … finding answers for all of my questions! Why in African some people very hard to find some food while in Asia food is relatively anywhere! But unfortunately still not well managed, so several people in Asia face the problems like what in Africa. Why “curse of natural resources” happened all the time? Why majority sometimes too worry about minorities, like we see from Gypsy communities in Germany , Rohingya in Myanmar, or even Moslem with burqa and niqab in France and several countries in Europe? Why it very crucial to become “a world leader” in this earth? Why some people, including me, usually lazy enough to stop complaining? Why even appreciate “God’s work” is so difficult? Why…why…and many more “why”!
For sure, I’m not a superwoman with superpower or any magical power to change everything which disturbing and annoying my mind. I just feel so curious and think that maybe in my limited time for life I should find several answers for my several questions. Now, I already choose a way to do that and if my choice is right… Allah will prepare anything for me and ease my way. When that’s time come… maybe I’ll bring one of my dream become a reality, become a writer! Yeah~ although maybe in that’s time I’ll be mmmm a little bit old or maybe old or oh c’mon whatever!
Is it to idealistic? And how about if I can’t answer all of my life questions? Oh~ that’s not a big problems… let some mysteries, mysteries. Have you read Goethe’s poem titled “Faust”? In that poem he wrote: I do not imagine I know aught that’s right; I do not imagine I could teach what might convert and improve humanity. Ready or not… like Goethe did, me… you…. us… maybe should ready enough to face a reality that not every questions should be answered soon, but dreaming and hoping is not a mistake. So what I looking for? I just try, and maybe this is just my ego to make my life so precious… I want to leave a valuable story to tell and interesting “question mark” to solve by another generation after me. I just want to make my existence worth! Me… maybe not better than anybody else in this universe… but who’s care? Do my best for my life is more important that be the best, isn’t it?
If I could reach, higher
just for one moment touch the sky
from that one moment in my life
I’m gonna be stronger
know that I’ve tried my very best
put my spirit to the test
if I could reach…..
Reach- Gloria Estefan
With invisible wings, I’ll fly to the sky!
Now?Oh, I just learning how to fly, arghhh~ will be a long process! But trust me, I tough enough 🙂
P.S: If you ask me why I wrote this post in English, hmmm… my younger brother become my silent blog reader, actually I just shy when he read my post :p for some sentimental posting maybe it’s better to use English… so he’ll be lazy to read hehehehe :p Actually, sorry for my bad grammar hum hum hum~ I’ll study hardly to fix my skill soon. Regards! :peluk
2012/08/02 - 4:46 am
wow,, what an inspiring sharing,sist,, hhe. Saya jadi ingat tentang kuliah umum Ekonomi Perencanaan Regional, yang jadi pembicaranya temennya Pak Fir, dari Aussie. Beliau kasi kuliah tentang natural resource curse,, menarik kak,, hhe,, anyway grammar kakak bagus ko,, kalo saya baru parah bnget,, hha,, yeah we are still in learning ^^
2012/08/02 - 5:41 am
:selamat Mukyaaaaaa…. senang sekali akhirnya Illi komen di blog kakak hahahahha.
Yeaaah~ blog ini mah dodol, kalau lagi bagus tulisannya baguuuus kalo lagi nggak mood juga makin nggak jelas hahahahaha.
Actually, Keep on writing in your blog *kakak udah baca loh ^_^*. You’re a really an economist :thumbup