Social Media Diet: Karena kalian tidak perlu mengkomparasi kebahagiaan kalian dengan kebahagiaan orang lain :)

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”— Omar Khayyam

Dan seorang manusia kuper bernama Marissa akhirnya memutuskan untuk membersihkan handphone-nya. Dia memutuskan untuk DIET! bukan sembarang diet, tapi diet sosial media. Huh? Apa lagi itu?
Saya meng-uninstall beberapa social media yang menurut saya gak perlu-perlu banget dan mungkin yang terlalu additive. Bukan apa-apa, saya kan semakin uzur dan sepertinya saya semakin mudah tersulut iri dengki *haish*. No, actually, I just get bored and I want to focus with something I really passionate about and of course my research.
Saya menguninstall facebook dan Path dari HP tercinta saya. Facebook?… karena kalau saya butuh, saya bisa buka via PC. Path? I don’t know… I just have a hate-love relationship with Path. Seiring dengan rontoknya rambut saya, usia yang makin menua, tulang yang semakin sering encok, saya merasa Path dan beberapa social media lain terkadang mengubahย  standar kebahagiaan saya.

Bahagia ala social media seringkali adalah:
Ketika harus check in di semua tempat baru…ah, bukan hanya check in! Jangan lupa tag juga pasangan kamu ๐Ÿ˜‰ apa? kamu sendirian? ih cacian deh… :p
Ketika kamu baca buku dan harus update sudah halaman berapa yang kamu baca dengan detil, jangan lupa tulis di mana kamu baca buku itu? di sebuah cafe sophisticated? kurang lengkap tanpa skrinsut dengan caffe latte yang sudah ditata ciamik.
Ketika kamu dimarahi atasan kamu, atau sekadar unmood dengan seorang atau beberapa orang yang menjengkelkan, lalu tulis “Sabaaar, biar Tuhan yang balas” lalu semua orang memberi jempol atau seutas senyum “ih ada apa? sabar ya… cerita dong” Dan percakapan pun menjadi mahapanjang hanya untuk membicarakan orang lain. Ingat! Kamu mungkin benar, tapi ingat juga kamu mungkin salah… semesta ini sudah bekerja sesuai dengan hukum Newton sebab=akibat bahkan sebelum Newton mencetuskan teori itu.ย  You don’t need to complain about everything on social media! Apalagi sampai tambah dosa jadi ngomongin orang. You need someone you really trust to and talk to them…. you need your God to inspire you… Find God when you need solution, not when you want to talk bad about something or someone. Bukankah Tuhan adalah Dzat Mahasuci yang layiknya disebut dalam hal-hal yang baik dan penuh keagungan?

Oh come on stop being fake! be real!

Jadi lo hapus akun?
Gak! Akun saya ada… ada banget, gak saya hapus kok… saya bahkan masih melink-an blog saya dengan path dan facebook, but I don’t want to scroll them every single time! Perkara kalian ingin membaca blog saya atau tidak, that’s your business ๐Ÿ™‚ dan saya selalu bahagia menyambut semua pembaca saya di blog. This is the real me… I no need to do any drama on my blog.

Namanya masih diet level 1, saya toh masih jadi silent reader di twitter (and I think it still the best buat baca-baca berita terbaru), instagram (I love photography dan sedang kerajingan pamer hasil fotografi saya, selain itu saya punya sahabat pena yang hanya bisa saya hubungi via instagram), dan pinterest (karena banyak ilmu-ilmu baru yang seru). Saya hanya meninggalkan hp saya di rumah selama saya di lab. Bye cellphone, I’ll be back… dan dia pun menunggu dengan manis di sofa.

And here I am… happy, safe, and sound!
Saya kembali menjadi Marissa yang so easy to be happy…

My real happiness :’D

Saya kembali menyentuh seluruh jurnal dan merangkum mereka satu per satu untuk tesis.
Saya kembali menyusun jurnal harian saya, mencatat semua pengetahuan baru yang saya dapat.
Saya kembali menulis planner dan buku harian saya dengan teratur. Saya bahkan membuat part yang saya tulis dengan bahasa Jepang. Saya memutuskan setelah lulus master, saya harus berhasil lulus tes JLPT setidaknya level 3! Cupuuuuuuuu cuman level 3! 2 kek.. 1 kek… apaan tuh level 3? Pffft…. Bodo amat lah, ahahahaa… yang penting senyum :’D
Saya kembali membaca buku dengan bahagia, tidak peduli buku apa yang sedang trend saat ini… seberapa cepat saya membaca… seberapa terkenal penulisnya… I don’t care, I love it then I read it.

Saya kembali menggambar dan menulis surat…ย  I make new friends…

I write and draw something again :’D

Ketika saya punya masalah atau sekadar ingin ketawa, saya masih bisa menghubungi sahabat-sahabat saya ketika mereka dan saya sedang luang. Dan jika kemudian mereka sedang sibuk, no prob… I have lots of things to do too. So, live couldn’t be easier then.

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Akun Instagram saya… fotonya sekarang agak slightly better setelah mendapat banyak masukan dari kakek-kakek fotografer yang suka gak sengaja ketemu di taman terus kayaknya gatel ngajarin fotografer newbietol macam saya

Saya kembali jalan kali atau naik si “Tengsin” (nama skuter saya, namanya tengsin karena kalau dipake aduuuh kayak masa kecil kurang bahagia gitu) sambil membawa kamera saya lalu menjepret semua pemandangan keren di sekitar saya. Berkenalan dengan kakek-kakek yang kameranya biasanya lebih canggih daripada saya, dengan pemahaman nihongo yang seiprit, saya terkadang kecipratan ilmu dari mereka. If you see my photography skill increase… itu semua salah satunya karena jasa mereka (makasih loh kek :’] )

Kemarin, 9 Maret 2016, gerhana matahari total dan nyepi bagi umat Hindu. Salah satu sahabat saya yang “trapped in Ubud” pun kemudian ikut “menyepi” and I am glad when she shown me her water color painting this morning :’) I mean… she really talented on it. Harus berapa nyepi dia lewati hingga dia bisa optimalize skillnya itu?

Jadi apa, Mon? Lo maksa kita-kita buat uninstall social media kayak lo juga? Cih… kalo kuper gak usah ngajak-ngajak.

Oh c’mon! Are you kidding on me? of course not! Saya justru menganjurkan kalian untuk menjadi diri kalian. If social media is something “really you are”, you love it, you enjoy it, you become better because of it… then go ahead! Lanjut gan! Namun jika ada social media yang kemudian merenggut “the real you are”, yang membuat kamu sedih ketika jomblo… ketika LDR… ketika hujan…. ketika berketombe… yaaah pokoknya kalau banyak mudharatnya yaaaa kurangi, kalau perlu tinggalkan.

Berbahagialah dengan cara yang paling membuat kalian bahagia. Jalan-jalan tanpa perlu pusing ketinggalan tongsis dan power bank (tapi harus pusing sih kalau gak bawa kamera, atau bawa kamera eh gak ada baterenya =.= wassalam).
Baca buku sambil menikmati rintik hujan dan segelas teh hangat tanpa perlu ada kewajiban lapor sudah sampai halaman berapa, chapter berapa, dsb.
Nikmati waktu dengan orang yang kalian sayang, tertawa dan berbagi cerita sedih kalian secara mendalam… nikmati setiap kisah manisnya hingga kisah bodohnya. Jika kalian merindukan seseorang, lalu yang dirindukan tidak segera membalas pesan… leave them alone for a while, mungkin dia sibuk and hei! Do something productive too. Akan tiba detik dimana rindu tidak bisa terbendung dan percayalah TRING “Ah, maaf baru baca. Tadi lagi beresin draft untuk kerjasama klien besok. Gak apa kan?”
Itu mungkin lebih manis daripada rentetan di timeline:
“… sebel cuman delivered aja tapi gak di read-read” 10 minutes ago
“kamu dimana sih kok gak bales-bales?“-with Entahlahsiapa 5 minutes ago
“Aduh hp kamu rusak ya”-with Entahlahsiapa 1 minutes ago

Nikmati setiap detik ketika kamu sendiri, ketika kamu bersama orang lain, ketika luang, ketika sibuk, ketika sedih, ketika rapuh, ketika marah… semuanya.
Karena kisah-kisah itu yang bakal jadi cerita gurih layaknya gurame asam-manis yang ikannya digoreng kriuk dan akan dinikmati oleh kita dan orang-orang yang antusias mendengar cerita kita kelak.
Oh… I know, saya juga sempat alay, jangan sok suci ente, Mon! Iya… iya… tapi boleh dong saya tobat dan memilih jalan versi saya sendiri ๐Ÿ™‚

Tahukah kalian? karena tidak ada yang bisa mendikte kebagiaan kalian. Kalian yang menentukan definisi bahagia kalian sendiri.

Once upon a time between two planet
Earth: Do you know,Mars… I think if I really really really like someone I’ll never need anything else because I have someone to be spamed until their cellphone get hang and blank. Not that crazy, but I mean why should spread satelites all around if then it just for complaining?

Mars: ahahahaha… really? But you know what? The most important thing is nothing can define happiness, except yourself. Unfortunately, human usually define their happiness to other people happiness. And eh! If there is no satelite, Earth I am sure we can’t communicate then :p Just enjoy it.

A romance from Postal stuff (and I suggest you to try it ;) )

I made it as a secret for years…
but yes, I am philatelist… I am continuing my grandfather and my mom’s hobby. I love postal things! But when I am in Indonesia, finding stamps is getting harder, post office usually far from my home, and…. my hobby is kind of out-of-date hobby. So, well okay… I tried to forget about it.
I also love receiving letter and postcard. I remember, when I was kid… while my grandfather had lots of penpals… I always excited checking the mailbox, and felt so happy every time I found letters, cards, or postcards on it. But then my grandfather passed away, and there are no letters or postcards anymore to my house.
And in Japan, TADAAAAAAAA….. my home and my campus is near post office! Post box everywhere! so many cute postcards in every corner….. HUWAAAAAA I am back! I am back postal stuff! I am absolutely back!
If you ask me what’s great from letter, postcards, and stamps, I tried to draw it for you:
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You can add some if you already try it ๐Ÿ˜‰

Actually this hobby came back on me because my mom always ask me to send her any postcards from every place I visited. So, she can frame it and she will know how far her daughter already goes. Another reason why I also prefer to travel alone or together with my very best friends who already know me very well, because I will take time somewhere to find postcard and post box :p This is all for my mom! I love her….
She can’t travel far because she suffered by stroke and diabetes so receiving postcards is another way for her to travel with me. I really really really love her….
Sometimes I also send her pop up card or some letter with small gift inside, I know I can’t repay all kindness of her, but I think it is nice to give her some small surprise and make her smile a lot….
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Who needs boyfriends or whatever if you can write and send something sweet to your mom? ๐Ÿ™‚ It reduce my stress also

I am addicted, and I think I want to make more people to smile ๐Ÿ™‚
Then I decided to follow join postcrossing website

And if you haven’t know what is postcrossing website? It is a website where you can exchange postcards to everyone across the globe. You will send your postcards and stories to stranger and then you will receive another also from stranger… who are they? Just wait and ready to be surprised ^^

When you will receive your postcards? Only God and Postman will know. But you will receive it…
If you are not “patient-type” person, you can visit this website forum and there is also a room in that forum for you who interested in finding Penpal or Postcard Pal. Happy searching ๐Ÿ™‚
If you still not patient enough…. well well well…. mmmm, do you have instagram account? If yes you can search search with #Penpalwanted or #Postcrossing and you will find some people with the same interest.

And what’s fun I already got so far… oh there are a lot, I pick some for you:

Of course I got some beautiful cards and letters from all around the world!
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Some of them also send me their favorite tea, so I can taste awesome tea from all around the world too… it is like find a small-simple-awesome treasure.
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And while I also can find person who have same interest with me, I also can completing my collection. Let me show you one of my collection: Islamic countries on stamps…. and I have another theme, but still have no time to organize that.
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And I am also happy for having new friends….
friends from various country, age, culture, occupation, everything! And feel glad because they are very open minded and I don’t know why they are very kind on me :’D
I always get small gift, nice words, and sometimes small recipes :’D everything!
And I learn soooooo many things from them.
Every time I read my letter and postcard, I can smile and deep inside my heart I say “Oh there are still lots of nice people in this planet, there are lots of hope in this planet”

I also learn how to write and how to behave better. One of my postcard friend ask me to help her send a random postcard to a foundation which works in cancer treatment for kids. “Marissa, we haven’t got any postcard from Asia yet… you can send one if you want to. Kids here will be very happy”
I never did that before, so I don’t know how to wrote it. “Marissa… don’t forget this one: Kindly don’t write ‘Get well soon or something like that ๐Ÿ™ that’s a small things but very sensitive sometimes”
Yes… there are several rules in writing, the most important thing is: See the condition of people you write.
That’s important… and somehow it is good because it trains you to be more tolerant, wiser, patient, and humble ๐Ÿ™‚

Lots of things I can’t explain one by one from every postal stuff I got.
Good isn’t it….
Well… well… well…. so far I have no reason to stop. I think I will continue again…again… and again…
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And I hope, I can put smile to many people forever although it is only from a small thing like a simple letter and a small postcard.