And I am getting older [again]… : my birthday note

“As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.” —Andrew Carnegie
Oh look, I think my hair will turns into grey :’D I am getting older today.
Please deliver me your “happy birthday” hahahaha.
Many things happens… you know what? everything can be happen as fast as you winking.
I decide to turn off my birthday notification on facebook, to go away somewhere alone, to contemplate what happened to me so far and what should I do then.
While maybe I am too old for such “birthday celebration”… it is always awesome when someone remember my birthday, always. It is not easy to remember someone birthday :’P I am the one who really bad on it.
But this year, especially this March…. lots of things happened, and in the future so many things will happen…. all things in my mind now is I want to think about everything carefully, reviewing what’s wrong, grateful for everything, enjoying my own “me-time”
More quarter century+1 year living in this favorite planet, I pray for so many things:
For happiness for my family, my friends, my cats, everyone
For many reasons to smile
For a kind heart who understand people’s pain
For an open heart to help others without thinking
For a nice foods on my table everyday and while I believe Allah is very rich, I am asking for a better distribution of foods to all people around. I am just an ordinary girl, I can’t think too complicated. No matter how stupid political constellation outside, I hope rich will never throw their foods and the poor scavenge the garbage to find some foods. Oh that’s too mean 🙁
I pray for a good health of every parents, so they can see their kids grow… and hopefully very lucky until they can see their grandchild.
I pray for everything good around…
And finally I pray for my self again…. : To be a wiser person.
26 years passed… I don’t know how many years ahead. But I believe there are lots of great things, people, and adventure I will face.
Hei…. I think I am ready for everything.
Insha Allah….