About me :)

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What to write here?  Well…I am Marissa. But emonikova is always become my “alias” name on internet. It is unique, so I keep it 😉
Just an ordinary woman who loves reading, writing, drawing, and photography.
I enjoy delicious foods, bright flowers, greenery open space, nice musics, and warm blanket.
Well, I am not such a hard person to be impressed 🙂
I am Indonesia woman who living in Tsukuba now.  Still proud to call herself: Student.
I am a lucky woman who always surrounded by best friends who always do nice things on me… having a nice mom, and funny brother.

What else? I love doing everything since that can be done inside my house, under my warm blanket. Not such an outdoor person, but I really love traveling every time I met a nice great travel partner. I am a classic old-style woman who still write postcard and letter, especially for my mom.



  1. Hai Kakak, assalammualaikum.. Aku Yani 😀
    Terimakasih udah berbagi ya kak, semoga tulisan-tulisannya jadi amal jariyah buat kakak.
    Salam kenal kak, salam dari Padang, Sumbar..juga dari uniiyaniinblog.com 😉

  2. Assalamualaikum kak, kalau boleh tahu kakak lulusan IPB jurusan apa?

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